# of watchers: 65
Fans: 0
| D20: 16 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 60 |
Artistic: | 70 |
Funny-rating: | 60 |
Friendly: | 70 |
2005-05-14 [Tear]: Sweet work. I am sure the others will be happy.
2005-05-14 [Dwemer]: look here please ^_^ : Superior Orestez
2005-05-18 [Tear]: [Sonik], I am still waiting for your sample review. I cannot accept you until you send it to me, and not until after you have made an application in the ep independent reviews wannabes page.
2005-05-18 [Dwemer]: Do it [Sonik] i know you are a good reviewer *holy sounds* So prove yourself and give [Tear] his sample review!
2005-05-18 [De'ladrei]: *sigh* Anyone else who has meant to have done work but hasnt? I think if that is the case bosses should just start sending private messages of reminders. Or tell me who has work outstanding and I will go hunt them down
2005-05-18 [Nevermore.]: ok, so when do u want the next sutition!!!!!
2005-05-18 [Tear]: [Love like Winter.] still hasn't sent me anything. Dela, I can't remember whether I sent you a poem for this month or not.
2005-05-18 [Orestez]: Methinks that perhaps its time for me to send a new poem in.
2005-05-18 [Tear]: Aye, me too.
2005-05-19 [Orestez]: Rough draft for the comic is completed.
2005-05-19 [De'ladrei]: yes that is fine Crowe :D. You need to message her then Tear and find out what is going on, and no you havent submited me a poem. And that would be great thank you guys. I'll finish the comic off just now...
2005-05-19 [countryguy541]: HEY
2005-05-19 [Dwemer]: Don't spam this comment box [countryguy541] !, thank you!
2005-05-19 [iCh3wi]: Yeah, it takes up the space we need.
2005-05-19 [Dwemer]: Thanks for the back-up Richard!
2005-05-19 [iCh3wi]: Your welcome Joost. : )
2005-05-19 [Nevermore.]: omg sumone answer plz!!
2005-05-19 [Dwemer]: 3th of june!
2005-05-19 [Dwemer]: ^_^ there you go sweetie!
2005-05-19 [Nevermore.]: thank u! atleast sumone here likes to answer questions
2005-05-19 [De'ladrei]: *has a cunning plan*
2005-05-19 [Nevermore.]: sorry, im just sooo busy and need to know when tings need delt with
2005-05-19 [De'ladrei]: its up there. posed the date so people dont hae to keep askingme
2005-05-19 [iCh3wi]: HECK YES!
2005-05-19 [Dwemer]: Thanks dela love! btw guys: The Wonder Dela
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: hopeful it will be easier for people to find out now. if not i will message them all lol. *blushes* thanks btw...again for that [Dwemer]
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: no problem love ^_^
2005-05-20 [Tear]: Awwww, isn't that sweet?
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: Believe me tear, you will get yours when the moment is right...
2005-05-20 [Ellyn]: *licks everyone* 0_o ... Anyway, it was a well deserved wiki, I believe. My Fiona is so wondyful!
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: :) *hugs Sumi* and your my little star my dear *loves*
2005-05-20 [Ellyn]: Awww! *hugs and loves back* It's because of your wonderful glow that I am a star! ~_^
2005-05-20 [Orestez]: *pounces* *LICK!*
2005-05-20 [Tear]: Really? But I don't have fans, and I am no where near as cool as [Orestez] and [De'ladrei].
2005-05-20 [Ellyn]: *shrilly obnoxious girly squeal* *licks back*
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: gah you were hugging me and making that noise >.o *pats orestez on the head*
2005-05-20 [Ellyn]: Ack! *apologies* I'm sorry, me love! *huggles without the loud, obnoxious shrilly girly squeal*
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: lol thank you *cuddles*
2005-05-20 [Ellyn]: Aww, it's only because I WUV you! *cuddlies back*
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: *looks sad, and all alone...*
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: *higs dwemer v tight*
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: *smiles again* thank you! I love you!
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: yay *loves*
2005-05-20 [Ellyn]: *group hug* Love for all! YAY!
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: lol ooh
2005-05-20 [Tear]: Oh my lord, what has happened to this wiki?
2005-05-20 [Ellyn]: Spam... it's great, isn't it? *licks the spam* In any case, it's good spam. *licks Tear*
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: yea but lets try and keep it to a minimum, dont make Dela use the boss talk
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: O god, people start a EPI subject NOW!
2005-05-20 [Ellyn]: *nods* Anything for you. *minimul spam*
2005-05-20 [Tear]: *minimal, Umm, errr, how about you guys make wiki for EPI loving?
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: Right I'm going to have to do it anyway. Right then people we have exactly 14 days til the deadline. In SEVEN days I want the bosses to report back to me with what work has been done, started or is just not going to be possible. Thanks
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: Official EPI Fanclub
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: *shockes* tear i have 2 more reviews, you know where!
2005-05-20 [Ellyn]: Yes ma'am. Though I kind of have a hard time doing that, because my job is rather "come when the people want it..."
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: thats fine Sumi, sections like yours are not expected to do that lol. Just you keep working like you have you are doing fine :)
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: WHat you guys think of EPI's Official Fanclub
2005-05-20 [Ellyn]: Thanks! If you need any help with anything else, though, I'm open.
2005-05-20 [Tear]: I know you do, [Dwemer]. I read up and told you to post one of them already, but I need you to take it off again. I forgot that Kate wants me to post them all up at the last minute. We can't keep posting them as we get them.
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: thanks Sumi, up to you Dwemer, if you can make it and keep it going its your baby but i dont have the time to help with it just now.
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: k's!
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: ...you do know we are meant to make the pages veiwable to forum members only until deadline dont you? well we used to, its how we kept our stuff secret before
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: I will make that wiki ^_^ epi should have one, don't you think ?? any people want to help me with the project?
2005-05-20 [Tear]: If I find some extra time, I will help out, dude. And, Dela, no one has told me how to make the pages secret. I have no clue how to do that.
2005-05-20 [Ellyn]: No problem. Just doing my job. In any case, any random jobs? I'm here and best at those.
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: ...right its on the editred version of the pages, im going to go make them all viewbale to forum members only, that way work can get posted.
2005-05-20 [~*spawn*~]: it's the "Editable and viewable by whom?" thingy
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: Well, i'll start the project in about a hour! if someone could think of a text for EPI's Official Fanclub like a ''o my freakin god, we love epi'' text, i'll make the rest of the page!
2005-05-20 [Tear]: I still am confused. There is nothing in the edit page thingy about making it viewable by whom, or whatever I am supposed to look for.
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: ...hmm right you will have to leave it then, that means you are not the "owner" of the pages...need to fix things like this
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: I guess I need to make that ''page'' only vieweble by forum members and change it back on 2-3 June?
2005-05-20 [Tear]: That is because Battlefield was the one who made them originally. Or at least the main reviews page, [Dwemer] and myself made the others.
2005-05-20 [Ellyn]: Fi, should we edit The Newly Weds to be that way, since it is just updated as it goes?
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: Which forum nr?
2005-05-20 [Tear]: -51
2005-05-20 [~*spawn*~]: I wasn't even aware we had a forum...
2005-05-20 [Tear]: lol. Go to forum number -51. See if you have access to it. [Dwemer], I think you made the music reviews page, I need you to edit that one. And somehow, I need it so that I am the owner of the reviews page, instead of batttlefield, or whoever was the boss before me.
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: Tear, i don't know what you did, but i've a acces denied message at gaming reviews!
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: .......*sigh* dwemer are on on the EPI forum? and no Sumi you dont need to do that
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: No? could you add me?
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: i dont have that authority >.> *sigh* oh good lord *wanders off to find somone*
2005-05-20 [Tear]: You guys never gave my crew access to the forum? That is hilarious! Don't worry about it [Dwemer], we will get that fixed shortly. That is why I told you guys to see of you guys could get into forum number -51, because if you can't then you won't be able to read those wiki pages.
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: why didn't anyone add me ? *gets a bit pissed* well, we all forget things...
2005-05-20 [Tear]: Dela, you just missed [The Dark Lord] too, he was online until like 5 minutes ago.
2005-05-20 [~*spawn*~]: While we're on the topic, could you get someone to add me, also?
2005-05-20 [Tear]: They probably didn't because of all the people that kept coming onto my crew and then leaving. They wanted a concrete list of people working for me.
2005-05-20 [Tear]: This could be really bad.
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: i sent him a message tear her never responded even when he was on.
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: Uh-huh ^_^ that would be: [Tear] , [Dwemer] and [The Axe Effect] wouldn't it be?
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: Should i ask ? or are you going to do that?
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: can you ask hun, im a bit busy editing a comic lol *hands full*
2005-05-20 [Tear]: it would be, you, me, [The Axe Effect]. [Angel Dove], and if she ever gets my stuff to me [Love like Winter.]. BTW, your buddy [Firenze] isn't half bad, she just has a lot to work on in her reviews. With a bit of time, I might put her on my crew. [Orestez] could do it, couldn't he?
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: ^_^ Yeah [Firenze] is really great ^_^ it's her birthsday [Tear] , it would be fun for her... *whistles*
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: lol thta wasnt an obvious hint at all
2005-05-20 [Tear]: Aye, but I need her to edit what I asked her to edit yesterday when she sent me her sample review.
2005-05-20 [Tear]: And when I get a chance to read one review from [..oops..], I might add her to my crew as well.
2005-05-20 [Tear]: Class is over, and I must go now. Ciao everyone.
2005-05-20 [De'ladrei]: right im going t have to go for a lie own or something, my heart is beating far too fast for it to be safe. i will try and be back on later though, any problems message me and i will deal ASAP.
2005-05-20 [~*spawn*~]: I'll do it, and I'll ask for me as well, hang on a sec
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: Thanks love ^_^
2005-05-20 [~*spawn*~]: I have the feeling she won't be able to - her priv is only 89 and mine's 41 and I can't add people
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: This isn't good now i wont be able to visit my very own section ??
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: Thanks again ^_^
2005-05-20 [~*spawn*~]: muhahahaha
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: Spawn, i'm about to make a new project care to help?
2005-05-20 [~*spawn*~]: sure ^_^ tell me more
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: I want to make a wiki for donors like: Elfpack's Donors And I would like some help!
2005-05-20 [~*spawn*~]: shibby ") Just tell me what to do and I shall
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: Well, If you want to edit a text for the wiki, and send it to me, I'll make the outlet when I receive the text ^_^ thanks
2005-05-20 [~*spawn*~]: Will do
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: Thanks ^_^ making wiki's is fun ^_^
2005-05-20 [~*spawn*~]: Wait, are you talking about donors of money or of art etc.?
2005-05-20 [Dwemer]: The money donators love ^_^ like you!
2005-05-20 [~*spawn*~]: huzzah! I'll send you the text right now then
2005-05-20 [Tear]: [Orestez] only has a priv of 41 as well. I thought it had to be the owner or the co owner of the forum to make it so that people could join it or not. Meaning [The Dark Lord] or [Solitiaum]. Possibly [Sunrose].
2005-05-23 [Tear]: Is there a reason why this wiki went inactive after I commented?
2005-05-23 [Dwemer]: No, we ae just lazy ^_^
2005-05-23 [Tear]: I can see that.
2005-05-23 [De'ladrei]: i think its fairly obvious yes
2005-05-23 [Tear]: Hey Dela, I have some dude who messaged me asking to be on your crew, or to submit a poem to be put up in your section. He says that you are never online though. Want me to give you the username?
2005-05-23 [De'ladrei]: .....i am always online...yea sure go for it
2005-05-23 [Tear]: [gothilectic] I don't think that he knew you were the boss for it.
2005-05-23 [De'ladrei]: right ok thank you
2005-05-23 [Tear]: Correction, I just went to the persons house *** she, not he
2005-05-23 [De'ladrei]: ah ok
2005-05-23 [iCh3wi]: Ok, I'm back now. Did I miss anything important while I was gone?
2005-05-24 [Tear]: Umm, that is a good question, methinks not, but I could be mistaken.
2005-05-24 [Solitiaum]: Im not a co-owner. Talk to TDL or Deb. Huzzah! *runs back off to be on vacation for an extended period of time cause micah's crawlin an teethin*
2005-05-24 [iCh3wi]: Umm, ok. Anyways, how is everyone doing?
2005-05-24 [Tear]: Does it matter?
2005-05-24 [iCh3wi]: Umm, guess not.
2005-05-24 [Tear]: Sleeping pills are kicking in, I mst leave you all now, Ciao to y'all.
2005-05-24 [iCh3wi]: Bye.
2005-05-24 [De'ladrei]: im exhausted...bu
2005-05-24 [MarieFair]: yeah, im tired too...bleh.
2005-05-25 [iCh3wi]: I graduated Friday, I am now a senior, *hugs* Yay!
2005-05-25 [Tear]: Congrats, I don't graduate for another week and a half. But then I will be a Junior.
2005-05-25 [iCh3wi]: Sucks. I'm not ready to graduate, I'm having too much fun in High School.
2005-05-25 [Tear]: I need out of here. Once I am 18, I am leaving this God forsaken state and never coming back unless it is absolutely necessarry.
2005-05-25 [iCh3wi]: What state do you live in?
2005-05-25 [Dwemer]: Hmm, I guess AJ lives in USA-Florida.
2005-05-25 [iCh3wi]: Ah, well, I live in Texas. I don't think I would like living in Florida, to humid. You live in the Netherlands right Joost?
2005-05-25 [Dwemer]: Yes ^_^ great living here ^_^
2005-05-25 [iCh3wi]: I'm sure it is. I hate the heat!
2005-05-25 [Dwemer]: But you would hate the rain here after a while 0.o...
2005-05-25 [iCh3wi]: Yeah, maybe. Urgh! I'm so tired. I have been re-organizing the wiki index sections for almost 2 hours now! I only have 3 left though, so thats good.
2005-05-25 [Dwemer]: 0.o wow, a lot of volunteer work!
2005-05-25 [iCh3wi]: Yup, I only have 2 left, HURRAY!!
2005-05-25 [Dwemer]: Hurrah! ^_^ well i'm working on a new project too 0.o...
2005-05-25 [iCh3wi]: Oh really? What? I voted for Elfpack Houses!!!!!
2005-05-25 [Dwemer]: Grand ^_^ thanks a million! and have you voted on [Firenze] and me as cutest couple? The new Proj. is Elfpack Advisory , for all your questions ^_^
2005-05-25 [iCh3wi]: Ah, a greatly needed thing to. We really need a wiki that explains how to upload images, center things, make text bold, etc. I voted for you on storyteller, elfpack houses, and cutest couple.
2005-05-25 [Dwemer]: Grand for voting ^_^ but did you found the answers on my page?
2005-05-25 [iCh3wi]: Ah! Good good good!!!
2005-05-25 [Dwemer]: Erm, did you found those answers on the advisory, and you haven't voted on the couple thingie ~_^
2005-05-25 [Solitiaum]: Vote for the boss ladeh for Artist Award!! Huzzah!
2005-05-25 [iCh3wi]: I already know how to do those things, it's just I get a lot of mail asking me how to. I thought I already did vote on you and firenze? Let me go and check and see.
2005-05-25 [iCh3wi]: Yup, it says I voted for you 2 as the cutest couple award.
2005-05-25 [Dwemer]: Yeah, i made a little mistake, sorry...
2005-05-25 [iCh3wi]: It's ok. :)
2005-05-25 [Dwemer]: heheh...
2005-05-25 [Tear]: Yeah, I live in Florida, so I have humidity, rain, and the heat. And now in the winter, it has been getting colder every year, and I am not used to that. We actually dropped into the thirties this past year, and if i hadn't lived in Michigan for a few years, I don't think that i would have survived that kind of weather outside.
2005-05-26 [Solitiaum]: We always had that one week in February where it dropped to the mid to low 20's in Melbourne XD
2005-05-26 [Tear]: GUESS WHAT!!????? MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW!!!!!!
2005-05-26 [Solitiaum]: OO HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
2005-05-26 [Tear]: WHEEEEE! I am gonna be 16 finally!
2005-05-26 [Solitiaum]: OMG youre young! -.o;
2005-05-26 [Tear]: I told you how young I was before, remember, "e-statutory rape"?
2005-05-26 [Solitiaum]: Yeah but now I feel all old and shit... I mean crap... >_<'
2005-05-26 [Tear]: Sorry hun, but 20 something or even twenty is your prime, i am still a youngin' no matter who i am around, most of the time. I have just kinda been forced to grow up a bit too quickly, which is why no one ever believes me when i say i am 15.
2005-05-26 [Solitiaum]: Bah.
2005-05-26 [Tear]: bah what? It is true, I don't even look 16, go in my house and lok at my picture, and tell me how old I look.
2005-05-26 [Solitiaum]: Yeah that wasnt what the bah was about >_<
2005-05-26 [Tear]: kate, when i went to the artists awards page, I tried to vote, but there aren't any buttons to choose from, just the names and the letters, something is wrong with the page.
2005-05-26 [Solitiaum]: The votings closed. I lost.
2005-05-26 [Tear]: Aww, sorry hun. I didn't win Cutest boy last month, and i didn't even get nominated this month, so don't feel bad.
2005-05-26 [iCh3wi]: When did the votings close? HAppy Birthday Tear, congrats on you sweet 16. I only have 1 more year left in high school *shivers* scary.
2005-05-26 [Solitiaum]: It gets scarier when you have a kid o.o;
2005-05-26 [iCh3wi]: Well, hopefully that will never to happen to me.
2005-05-26 [Tear]: I could always adopt you, Kate, and then you could be my child, or the other way around, but then that whole e-statutory rape thing would mean you are incetual.
2005-05-26 [Dwemer]: next awards, we all vote on kate!
2005-05-26 [De'ladrei]: O_o....im gone for a few hours and what the hell lol! Happy Birthday Tear :)
2005-05-26 [Tear]: Thanks hun. I voted too late, and the only person I voted for was in the best friend category for Dela.
2005-05-26 [De'ladrei]: *Hugs tight*
2005-05-26 [Tear]: Thanks, hun, I really need it right now. I have got to say this has been the shittiest birthday of my life.
2005-05-26 [iCh3wi]: HAPPY B-DAY TEAR!
2005-05-26 [iCh3wi]:
2005-05-26 [iCh3wi]: Lol, your welcome.
2005-05-27 [Kathren]: Happy birthday as well... *bows in respect*
2005-05-27 [Tear]: Thanks.
Number of comments: 4414
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